Wednesday, September 28, 2016

7 Predictions For How The Internet Will Change Over The Next 15 Years...!! (By : The Web Guru 'Vikas').

It’s hard to notice how much our technology has changed. It doesn’t happen suddenly, the way we might elect a new president or open a new restaurant. It happens gradually, sometimes in fits and spurts, but usually in improvements or adaptations so minor they exist beneath our notice. Connection speeds gradually increase, Wi-Fi availability ratchets up, new devices influence designs, and consumer trends shape functionality, so that somehow, in about the last 15 years, we’ve gone from a slow, dial-up, boxy version of the Internet to one that can be accessed at incredible speeds from pretty much anywhere. It’s completely revolutionized the marketing industry (among others), introducing strategies that never existed before and making a number of older ones obsolete.

So what’s going to happen in another 15 years?

How the Internet Is Evolving

There are a number of published articles, features, and works attempting to predict how the Internet and our world of technology will develop, including PBS’s rundown of the next few years, the Wall Street Journal’s general prediction of the average Internet experience of the future, and the BBC’s projection of ethics and fears associated with possible coming changes.

Predictions run the gamut, as you might imagine, but there are a few principles that stand out across most sources and predictions:

Internet connection will be permanent and automatic. We’ve been “connecting” to the Internet in various ways, from the minutes-long process of dialing up to the seconds-long process of entering a Wi-Fi password once for a given location. Eventually, connectivity will be constant and streamlined to the point where no individual “connection” is really necessary. Universal Internet is slowly becoming a reality, and overlap between systems may establish a layer of redundancy that prevents worries of service outages or bad connections.

(2). Augmented and virtual reality will play a major role. Mobile devices let us access the Internet in the real world, but next -gen devices will project the Internet, or embed it, into the real world through a form of augmented reality. Google Glass pioneered this space, while Microsoft’s HoloLens looks promising to carve the path forward. 

Though augmented reality has seen some unsuccessful fits and starts, its close cousin, virtual reality, is starting to see significant growth amid the launch of Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, and the upcoming PlayStation VR. The world wasn’t ready for AR a few years ago, but a few years from now, it will be.

(3). Machines might take over your job. Already, machines are capable of many manual tasks, and they’re starting to gain mastery over high-level and intellectual tasks, like writing. Combined with the ubiquity of the Internet, these apps will make it so that less work and more resources are directly available. The need for people to work will decrease along with job availability (at least, ideally), resulting in a system that’s more or less balanced. As we struggle to find this balance, we’ll undoubtedly encounter hurdles of joblessness and unbalanced resource distribution—but these are short-term drawbacks of a more connected, richer world.

(4). Privacy will become commoditized. With a constant (and possibly un-severable) connection to the Internet and more apps that run our lives, privacy will become an even bigger concern. It may even be commoditized to the point where only the rich can afford to be off the grid. As a result, I expect we’ll see a number of independent organizations and companies striving to maintain some level of privacy for consumers; whether or not they’ll be successful is another story.

The Internet of Things’ will fully mature. Already, the “Internet of Things” connects refrigerators, alarm clocks, and various other household appliances. In another 15 years, that connection will extend to vehicles, wallets, health monitors, and perhaps even our paper currency. The more freely information flows, the greater power and freedom we have; this truth will drive our desire to connect everything we can to the Internet.

Business and individuals will struggle to adapt to the increasing rate of change. As fast as we’re already used to technology developing, and as amazing as some of these developments seem, the pace of development in the future is going to be even more astounding. Thanks to machine learning and increased computing power, the development of Internet-based technologies will accelerate to the point that for many, it feels out of control. Businesses and individuals will struggle to adapt, while self-regulating algorithms and complex interrelated systems will start changing themselves as necessary. Today’s luddites are often techno-phobes or frugal consumers unamused by the latest breakthroughs. Tomorrow’s luddites will include these as well as willing adopters who simply aren’t able to keep pace with the coming changes.

(7). Earth won’t be the only planet with Internet access. Extra-terrestrials aside, Earth is the only planet with Internet access. By 2030, Mars will have Internet access, too. SpaceX founder Elon Musk is on a mission to colonize Mars, and I think he’ll succeed. The first Mars settlers will need to be able to communicate with friends and family back home, and they’ll use the Internet to do it. Orbiting satellites around Mars will transmit Internet data back and forth, though it will take up to 24 minutes for the data to transmit back to Earth (one-way).

I have a good feeling about these predictions (though if I didn’t, I probably wouldn’t have made them), but of course, they must be taken with a grain of salt. Historically, few predictions about technological developments prove themselves true—and the ones that do tend to manifest in ways the predictor didn’t fully expect. There will be twists and turns in the evolution of the Internet that none of us are currently able to foresee, but one thing’s for sure—in another 15 years, the way we use the Internet may be almost unrecognizable from what we know today.

Monday, June 27, 2016

How do I clear the Facebook Share's Cache?

Sometimes you have a new description, title or thumbnail image in your website. But when you share the website address (URL) on Facebook, it may still using the old description/ title/ image that no longer exists. In order to clearing the Facebook sharer cache, there is an easy way...!!

Use Facebook Debugger tool which is formerly known as URL Linter to clear fb cache of your website. Go to the link given here below and Type your website's address (Website's URL) or article's URL there and click debug button...!! 

After doing this, re-share your website's link on Facebook. You can find that Facebook sharer displaying your latest content. Cheers...!!

Warm Regards

Vikas Kumar Tiwari (The Web Guru 'Vikas')

Friday, June 3, 2016

16 Reasons Why Your Business NEEDS Social Media Marketing

Did you know that social media marketing has a 100% higher lead-to-close rate than outbound marketing? Or that 84% of B2B marketers use social media in some form? No matter what you sell and who you sell it to, using social media as a marketing tool can help you grow your brand and pad your wallet.

At this point in the game, not having an active social media presence is kind of like pulling out a flip phone at a business meeting and then not understanding why your boss keeps giving Brad all the new accounts.

But some people still own flip phones, and some people dig in their heels and say, what is social media marketing going to do for me? Do I really need it? Yes. Yes you do — and here are some of the most compelling reasons why:

The Importance of Social Media for Web Traffic

(1). Social media posts can be used to drive targeted traffic : Creating a new page on your site is like taking a really great selfie. You want the world to see it and bask in its brilliance, but you don’t want to beg for attention (or worse, pay for it). That’s why for selfies and landing pages, well-placed social media posts can make all the difference. We’ve seen a single link on Reddit drive over 20,000 visitors in one weekend and links submitted to StumbleUpon can take a page that was consistently earning a handful of visitors a day and increase that number to hundreds. Who wouldn’t want to capitalize on that?

(2). Using social media for business boosts your site’s SEO : Search engine crawlers know which pages are consistently earning traffic and which are just floating out there, forgotten and ignored. A killer content strategy for SEO is the most important part of earning top spots in search engine rankings, but driving traffic to your optimized pages will cause them to climb much faster in the search engine results pages (SERPs).

Quick case study: Astroglide is one of TCF’s clients, and in less than a year we got the website to rank in the top 100 SERPs for 15,000 new keywords – as a result, traffic to the website has increased dramatically. A solid and consistent presence on Facebook, Twitter and other social channels was a BIG part of that success. 

Social Media is THE BEST Tool to Connect with (and Learn from!) Consumers & Industry Leaders .

(3). If you’re doing it right, social media will lead to real relationship building : Part of what makes things like Twitter and Instagram marketing so cool is the interaction you get to have with your customer base — you can read their tweets and status updates to get insights into their daily lives (and maybe adjust your marketing strategy as a result). What products are they buying and why? What are they doing on the weekend? What kind of posts do they love to share, and from what websites?

You can also use social media as a tool for connecting with complementary, non-competing businesses, thought leaders and tastemakers in your space, as well as journalists who cover your industry. Sometimes, becoming besties starts with a simple retweet.

Of course it doesn’t hurt to go the extra mile. When we saw that our client Astroglide was mentioned on The Celebrity Name Game by Rick Fox, we quickly jumped on the opportunity to create a gif and mention both accounts on Twitter. This resulted in interaction not just from Rick Fox, but from the Celebrity Name Game account as well!  

(4). Users are receptive to your messages : People view Twitter and Facebook as social networks, not marketing machines. As a result, they’re less likely to see what you post as an advertisement and will be more likely to hear what you have to say. This translates to serious web traffic when you link to your site and posts that market themselves as your friends and followers share what you’ve posted.

(5). Social media ads allow targeting and retargeting : One of the reasons social media is important is because of the highly customizable nature of social media ads. Facebook ads, for example, allow you to target users by things like location, education level, industry and even purchase history and the pages they’ve liked. You also have to the option to install a Facebook pixel on your site and use it to retarget the users who visit you — these people are far more likely to convert into solid leads and sales!

(6). Social media can help you get noticed at events, and even generate earned media coverage : Whether your business is sponsoring a charity fundraiser or attending a major trade show, there’s no better way to leverage your presence than with the help of social media. In fact, we once sent a tweet during CES that lead to a client getting a feature article written about them in Wired magazine (check out our guide to marketing your business at trade shows and events to learn how you can achieve similar results).  

The Importance of Social Media Marketing for Brand Image.

(7). You can respond to problems immediately : If there’s a problem with your product or service, you want to know about it right away. With the feedback you get in the process of social media marketing, you’ll be the first to know when there are issues – and you can take steps to resolve them right away. Study after study has shown that consumers appreciate companies that respond to customer complaints (and don’t hesitate to rant online to anyone who will listen when companies don’t take the time to make things right).

(8). A strong social media presence builds brand loyalty : A report published by Texas Tech University found that brands with active social media profiles have more loyal customers. It’s easy to imagine why: when you’re engaging and interacting on social media (not just tossing your posts out onto the web hoping someone will stumble upon them) you become less like a corporation and more like what you truly are — a unified group of people who share a vision.

The Right Social Media Marketing Strategy Can Help You Slay the Competition.

(9). Your competition is getting social, so you should too :
Did you know that 91% of brands are using more than one social media platform? This isn’t something you want to fall behind the competition on, because it’s much harder (and more expensive) to play catch up than it is to get in on the game early. If your competitors get to your potential customers first, they’ll earn their loyalty and you’ll have a hard time winning them over. If you’re active and engaging on a variety of networks, you can gain those friends and followers first and your competition will be playing catch up instead of the other way around.

(10). The social media marketing arena is a (fairly) level playing field :
Some brands may have bigger ad budgets than others, but all companies start off on pretty equal footing when it comes to social media marketing. The people and brands who thrive and go viral in are those with the most clever, attention grabbing tactics (and the most ridiculous gifs) and the most useful, link worthy content. In short, they’re providing value to their target audience while also showing personality and being entertaining. If you want to get lots of traffic and really increase your sales online, you’re going to have to outwit, outnetwork and outwrite your competition while offering superior products and customer service. Isn’t that what business is all about, anyway?

(11). When it comes to newsjacking, social media is king : Sometimes your brand is mentioned on a cable TV show. Sometimes it’s not, but you know just how to slide your product into the story to aim the spotlight in your direction. Facebook, Twitter and even Reddit marketing give you a front row seat to the news that’s becoming viral right as it’s happening. Jump in at just the right time and you’ll earn some major media attention — and that’s something you just can’t do with a traditional ad campaign.

The Importance of Social Media Marketing for Sales and ROI.

(12). Social media marketing will get you more sales :
Did you know that 70% of business-to-consumer marketers have acquired customers through Facebook? Or that 84% of CEOs and VPs say they use social media to help make purchasing decisions?

Not surprisingly, when you stay in front of your customer base, they’re more likely to buy from you when they need the products you sell. Social media marketing doesn’t just keep your company’s name in front of potential buyers, but it also gives you the opportunity to constantly give them incentives to buy. Try sharing coupon codes, with a unique code for each social channel – you may be surprised at which social network drives the most sales.

(13). You’ll find customers you didn’t know existed : If you set up streams to follow keywords in Twitter (Hootsuite makes this simple), you can find people who are looking for the products you sell and direct them to your site. Using Twitter for marketing is great that way – telling people who want your products how to get them from your company is just an @ away.

(14). Customers you didn’t know existed will find (and buy from) you : In the process of marketing with Facebook, you’ll probably join a ton of groups related to your products, industry and customer base. By posting links in these groups, you’ll help influence customers to check out your site. Answering questions on Quora is another option. Post a link today, and two weeks/months/years later you might see a sale from it.

You Can't Beat the Price (or ROI) of Social Media.

(15). You heard that right — it’s free : How can you argue with that? If you handle your own social media management, running a social networking campaign is as cheap as it gets. If you hire a social media management or online PR agency (like us), it will cost around $3,000-$7,000 per month, but it’ll be an investment that you’ll be likely to see a return on. If you’re intimidated by interacting with people online or your writing skills leave something to be desired, hiring an online PR agency is definitely the way to go. Posting poorly written content or conveying the wrong kind of messages on social networking sites can seriously affect your digital PR presence.

(16). The ROI on social media ads is unbeatable : The average cost per click on Google Adwords is between $1 and $2 and depending on the keyword targeted, you can end up paying $50 or more for a single click. Through targeted boosted post, we’ve been able to send traffic via Facebook and Pinterest for as little as $0.12 per click. Why pay ten or twenty times as much for each visit when social media ads make earning that traffic quick and easy?

Simply put, social media marketing is part of doing business in the new millennium. If your business isn’t already active on social networking sites, now is the time to start.   

Why is Social Media Important?

Why is social media important to businesses? Because your brand doesn’t really exist online if you’re not represented across all social channels – and regularly interacting with your followers, journalists who cover your industry, thought leaders and tastemakers, etc.

Here’s one very important reason you may not have considered — it’s fun! Hosting a Twitter chat to celebrate a new product launch, getting your geek on while you A/B test Facebook ads, or sharing pop-culture polls for your followers to weigh in on — these are all activities that build brand awareness, boost web traffic and lead to loyal customers. But unlike many traditional marketing tactics with the same goals, these tasks are actually fun in addition to driving real value for your company.

Are you ready to rocket ahead of your competitors and take the social media world by storm? Want to see your search engine rankings climb and your traffic soar? Pull out that flip phone and give me a call on +(91) - 9984137177 or mail me at And I’ll get you on the path to success.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Know The Web Guru "Vikas"


Hi, I am a creative person with innovative stuff. Programer by profession and designer by choice. Having 10 Years of rich experience as an IT professional in multiple verticals of industry including web designing and development, corporate branding, customized web and mobile applications development, e-commerce web development, internet marketing along with domain and web hosting solutions for corporate clients in india as well as across the globe.

Self evaluation is one of my qualities. I have been professionally engaged in the analysis, compilation and execution of various types of works within IT Industry. Programming is my passion, I enjoy it on each moment of any project, just like a little baby playing with his/her toys. Conceptual and creative designing is one of my other passions. Apart from this I am involving in customer relation, Project planning and deployment, web designing, web application development and other web services. Planning and designing of several project like CRM & ERP systems, human resource system, inventory management system e.t.c. made me know the functioning and executions of different sectors. I am always willing to try new things and am interested in improving efficiency on assigned tasks and ensure tasks are completed correctly and on time. My top concern is produce work that is orderly and attractive with quality. My strength is ability to understand any topic with the basic common sense. I feel comfortable with most of the sector no matter how contrasting are they while handling them. Adopting challenging assignments as well as environment, Browsing and exploring the information and sharing with different technology are my hobbies.
With an experienced team who started out with humble beginnings since 2007, I had started my career journey from new delhi with "SNT InfoTech Private Limited." and till date i have worked with four different companies and more than 50 clients on 300+ Websites & Customized Web Applications and ERPs. At present i am working with "ANTVERT" as Head - Creative & Technology in Delhi/NCR. 

Modern web surfers do not tolerate slow, bloated web sites. They are task-oriented, and not impressed with flashy animations and hyped-up marketing. They demand streamlined and effective web sites; they want to get things done.
In a flooded market, Antvert believes in delivering high quality, cost effective, reliable result-oriented web, mobility, e-commerce portals and other customized solutions and services as per customer's requirement on time for a global clientele. Professionalism, Skill and Expertise are the tools we use to make the web work for your business bringing in maximum return on your investment in shortest possible time. Antvert specializes in planning, designing, building, hosting and maintaining powerful digital solutions for growing businesses. Utilizing the latest technologies and trends, Antvert design and deploy each website projects and other applications according to the unique specifications of your business and give you the power to control your web content.
To know more about me or to have a coffee with me, feel free to contact me at +(91)-9984137177 or you can mail me also at

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Web Development Scenario

Web development as an industry (Composed By Web Guru : Source : Wikipedia)

In Since the mid-1990s, web development has been one of the fastest growing industries in the world. In 1995 there were fewer than 1,000 web development companies in the United States, but by 2005 there were over 30,000 such companies in the U.S. alone. The growth of this industry is being pushed by large businesses wishing to sell products and services to their customers and to automate business workflow.

In addition, cost of Web site development and hosting has dropped dramatically during this time. Instead of costing tens of thousands of dollars, as was the case for early websites, one can now develop a simple web site for less than a thousand dollars, depending on the complexity and amount of content. Smaller Web site development companies are now able to make web design accessible to both smaller companies and individuals further fueling the growth of the web development industry. As far as web development tools and platforms are concerned, there are many systems available to the public free of charge to aid in development. A popular example is the LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP)which is usually distributed free of charge. This fact alone has manifested into many people around the globe setting up new Web sites daily and thus contributing to increase in web development popularity. Another contributing factor has been the rise of easy to use WYSIWYG web development software, most prominently Adobe Dreamweaver, Netbeans, WebDev, or Microsoft Expression Studio. Using such software, virtually anyone can develop a Web page in a matter of minutes. Knowledge of Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML), or other programming languages is not required, but recommended for professional results.
The next generation of web development tools uses the strong growth in LAMP, Java Platform, Enterprise Edition technologies and Microsoft .NET technologies to provide the Web as a way to run applications online. Web developers now help to deliver applications as Web services which were traditionally only available as applications on a desk based computer.
Instead of running executable code on a local computer, users are interacting with online applications to create new content. This has created new methods in communication and allowed for many opportunities to decentralize information and media distribution. Users are now able to interact with applications from many locations, instead of being tied to a specific workstation for their application environment.
Examples of dramatic transformation in communication and commerce led by web development include e-commerce. Online auction sites such as eBay have changed the way consumers consume and purchase goods and services. Online resellers such as and (among many, many others) have transformed the shopping and bargain hunting experience for many consumers. Another good example of transformative communication led by web development is the blog. Web applications such as WordPress and Movable Type have created easily implemented blog environments for individual Web sites. Open source content management systems such as Joomla!, Drupal, XOOPS, and TYPO3 and enterprise content management systems such as Alfresco have extended web development into new modes of interaction and communication.
In addition, web development has moved to a new phase of Internet communication. Computer web sites are no longer simply tools for work or commerce but used most for communication. Websites such as Facebook and Twitter provide users a platform to freely communicate. This new form of web communication is also changing e-commerce through the number of hits and online advertisement.

The New Ira of Web

Web development as an industry (Composed By Web Guru : Source : Wikipedia)

In Since the mid-1990s, web development has been one of the fastest growing industries in the world. In 1995 there were fewer than 1,000 web development companies in the United States, but by 2005 there were over 30,000 such companies in the U.S. alone. The growth of this industry is being pushed by large businesses wishing to sell products and services to their customers and to automate business workflow.

In addition, cost of Web site development and hosting has dropped dramatically during this time. Instead of costing tens of thousands of dollars, as was the case for early websites, one can now develop a simple web site for less than a thousand dollars, depending on the complexity and amount of content. Smaller Web site development companies are now able to make web design accessible to both smaller companies and individuals further fueling the growth of the web development industry. As far as web development tools and platforms are concerned, there are many systems available to the public free of charge to aid in development. A popular example is the LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP)which is usually distributed free of charge. This fact alone has manifested into many people around the globe setting up new Web sites daily and thus contributing to increase in web development popularity. Another contributing factor has been the rise of easy to use WYSIWYG web development software, most prominently Adobe Dreamweaver, Netbeans, WebDev, or Microsoft Expression Studio. Using such software, virtually anyone can develop a Web page in a matter of minutes. Knowledge of Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML), or other programming languages is not required, but recommended for professional results.
The next generation of web development tools uses the strong growth in LAMP, Java Platform, Enterprise Edition technologies and Microsoft .NET technologies to provide the Web as a way to run applications online. Web developers now help to deliver applications as Web services which were traditionally only available as applications on a desk based computer.
Instead of running executable code on a local computer, users are interacting with online applications to create new content. This has created new methods in communication and allowed for many opportunities to decentralize information and media distribution. Users are now able to interact with applications from many locations, instead of being tied to a specific workstation for their application environment.
Examples of dramatic transformation in communication and commerce led by web development include e-commerce. Online auction sites such as eBay have changed the way consumers consume and purchase goods and services. Online resellers such as and (among many, many others) have transformed the shopping and bargain hunting experience for many consumers. Another good example of transformative communication led by web development is the blog. Web applications such as WordPress and Movable Type have created easily implemented blog environments for individual Web sites. Open source content management systems such as Joomla!, Drupal, XOOPS, and TYPO3 and enterprise content management systems such as Alfresco have extended web development into new modes of interaction and communication.
In addition, web development has moved to a new phase of Internet communication. Computer web sites are no longer simply tools for work or commerce but used most for communication. Websites such as Facebook and Twitter provide users a platform to freely communicate. This new form of web communication is also changing e-commerce through the number of hits and online advertisement.